Danceoke Z

Festival Z Team

Danceoke Z

El Canal Centre d’arts escèniques Salt/Girona

July 13th, 10:00 am

This activity is part of a pack.  You can buy the ticket of the pack Danceoke Z + Aèria de Júlia Suñer and Joan Thió at the following link

If Karaoke is a way of singing playback following the lyrics of a song printed on a screen, the Danceoke Z is a welcome in the form of collective entertainment offered by the festival team. We will dance with each other and enjoy our favorite songs, music videos and dance routines to face a day full of activities with love and humor.

Duration: 30 minutes


Out of Place Scenes

Out of Place Scenes

Carles Fontserè Workroom Studio in Porqueres

Bus departure will be in Plaça Poeta Marquina, Girona*

July 14th, 11:00 am

Price: 24 €

The fourth edition of Festival Z closes with a scenic excursion to the village of Porqueres (Pla de l’Estany) that includes a musical picnic, a visit to the Workroom Studio of the artist Carles Fontserè and the enjoyment of the two short plays S’Albufera by Maya Triay and Mariona Jaume and SOT by Daniela Brown and Eduard Paredes. All in a rural context.

*With the ticket for this show you are entitled to a seat on the bus to Porqueres. It is necessary to buy the ticket for Out of Place Scenes and reserve the bus seat individually. If you will travel to Porqueres on your own, it is not necessary to reserve a seat on the bus.

Maya Triay and Mariona Jaume




sustainable ecosystem. We are part of and are
A landscape, a specific physical state, precise feelings.

This lagoon is not in Alcúdia, nor in Valencia, nor in Menorca, but in our sensory imagination. It is our lagoon. A place of nature in which we walk, live, coexist. We are nature and we dance the coexistence. With a civilized aesthetic, a beautiful look is responsible for drawing and capturing this landscape. We are the lagoon itself, we are mud, foot that steps, animal, leaf, person, eyes.

We recognize and respect it.
We remember it, we imagine it, we invent it and we dance it.
We have created a landscape and we are zooming in it.


Concept, creation and performance: Maya Triay Sarasa and Mariona Jaume Camps

Dramaturgical support: Natalia Menéndez

Sound composition: Clara Fiol, Jansky

Sound edition: Carlos Bonet

Scenography advisor: Tatiana Sarasa

Photography: Marcos Martincano

The creation of this work has received the support of the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics.

Duration: 18 minutes

Show recommended for all audiences

Daniela Brown and Eduard Paredes




Two characters. A field. An audience waiting for something. Where is the master of ceremonies? It seems that he has not been able to come. In front of a huge hole dug in the ground, these two individuals will ask themselves questions such as death, destiny and the meaning of existence. Pushed by the need for a ritual or closure, they will try to move forward with humor and without too much transcendence, a situation they could never have imagined.



Performers: Eduard Paredes and Daniela Brown

Assistant director: Guillem Balart

Sung voice of the video: Nicole Brown

Recording and editing of the video: Quim Paredes

Duration: 20 minutes

Show recommended for all audiences

The Festival Z offers the public a bus to get to Porqueres. The bus schedule is as follows:

10:45 am – Meeting time at Plaça Poeta Marquina, Girona.

11:00 am – Punctual departure from Plaça Poeta Marquina, Girona.

11:30 am – Arrival at Carles Fontserè Studio (Porqueres).

3:45 pm – Meeting time at Carles Fontserè Studio (Porqueres).

4:00 pm – Punctual departure from Carles Fontserè Studio (Porqueres).

4:30 pm – Arrival at Plaça Poeta Marquina, Girona.

This is a free service, but it is mandatory to buy a ticket in order to reserve a place. However, we would appreciate that in case you have a ticket, but finally do not attend or do the trip by your own means, please let us know at so that we can cancel it and publish it again in the system.



©Marcos Martincano
SOT - Daniela Brown i Eduard Paredes | ©...

Yo soy una fiesta

La Resistència Teatre

Yo soy una fiesta

Open rehearsal


El Canal – Centre d’Arts Escèniques Salt/Girona

July 13th, 11:30

Price: 6 €

This ticket includes two activities as a pack. Yo soy una fiesta de La Resistència Teatre and Fem Matx! Apretiu Z

After the unexpected death of her grandmother, Àngela decides to go deep into her grief by turning the logic of this world upside down. What she doesn’t know is that this process will lead her to another conflict she had been denying. Now she has no grandmother, but she has no mother either. YSUF speaks about identity, about these two young women, but also about all of us. About our stories as granddaughters, as daughters, the place occupied by those women, the tradition and its clash with the current reality.

How do you celebrate all the years that grandma was there? What is her favorite song?

YSUF is a party because it wants to be. We dance, we question, we discover. We decide to dance – and also to cry – but above all we keep the questions alive.

Direction: Lola Vera

Production and distribution: La Resistència Teatre

Costumes: Cristina Tavano

Choreographic assistance: Mercedes Ferrari

Audiovisual material: Cataluna Golçalves

Photography: Marina Torres Guerra

Lighting design: Soledad Ianni

Graphic design: Malena Schang Wagner

Collaboration: Orfeó Maonès, Govern Balear, Consell Insular de Menorca

Duration: 70 minutes (Includes post-function talk – ApartZ)

Language: Catalan and Spanish

Show recommended for ages 12 and over

©Marina Torres Guerra

Imminent scenic futures! Z projects presentation

Festival Z Team

Imminent scenic futures! Z projects presentation

El Canal Centre d’arts escèniques Salt/Girona

July 12th, 10:30 am

Price: Free*

*Even though it is free, it is necessary to reserve a ticket for this activity.
This ticket includes two activities as a pack. Danceoke Z + Imminent scenic futures! Z projects presentation

Playful, festive and performative presentation of six stage projects in pre-production phase. These are very different materials, hybrid proposals that move between text, performative installation, physical theater and street theater.

The actress Júlia Isern will be in charge of leading a gala full of surprises and also some jokes. This activity is recommended for all audiences: professionals and non-professionals, captious or not, people of all ages and interests.

The participating companies are:

Companyia Paradís with White Noise

Cara D with Imperfecte, extraordinari, monstruós o abominable.

Berta Sayeras with Plagues Urbanes

Orientación Colectiva Loli with XYZW

La Fatal with Bisila

Col·lectiu Chrisantem with Metamorfosi(s)



Francesca Vadell and Companyia Les Pinyes



Teatre Municipal de Girona

July 12th, 7:00 pm

Price: 12 €

Accessible function:

(click on each icon to learn more information about each adapted measure)

Adapted subtitles
Audio description
Hearing Loop
Amplified sound with headphones

If you are interested in requesting accessibility services, please contact the team at to book them.

Perla is a tribute to the working women who do not appear in history books. They now sit in the kitchen, take a photo album of the “best years of their lives” and are proud of themselves because they have been able to give a career to their daughters and granddaughters; although they say they don’t know about literature.

Our town used to go to the rhythm of a Factory, Las Perlas, and the breaks of the workers were marked by its siren. Our grandmothers, at the age of fourteen, entered Las Perlas. They worked to fix their homes and ended up building a network of mutual support, friendship and they were proud to belong to the working class.

Now, we, her granddaughters, who also struggle in the precariousness of labor, we want their voice to resound loudly, the voice of women owners of industrial and artisanal knowledge, who have given their bodies, their youth and their productivity to the Factory.

Actresses: Marta Asamar García, Cèlia Castellano Algaba, Noèlia Fajardo Franch and Francesca Vadell Cubells

Visual dramaturgy: Cia. Les Pinyes

Textual dramaturgy: Francesca Vadell Cubells

Lighting and poster design: Marina Collado Bennasar

Distributor: Bel Albertí Urrea

Costumes: Alícia Leiva Otto

Teaser: Ekain Albite Arregi

Duration: 70 minutes

Language: Catalan

Show recommended for ages 12 and older

©Nora Baylach

Am I Bruce Lee

Kernel Dance Theatre

Am I Bruce Lee


Teatre del Centre Cívic Sant Narcís, Girona

July 12th, 4:00 pm

Price: 12 €

Accessible function:

(click on each icon to learn more information about each adapted measure)

Adapted subtitles
Audio description
Hearing Loop
Amplified sound with headphones

If you are interested in requesting accessibility services, please contact the team at to book them.

香蕉人 / Banana man: yellow on the outside, white on the inside.

A prejudice carried by people of Chinese origin who are not from where they appear to be, one of the concepts that unites Junyi Sun and Bruce Lee.

Am I Bruce Lee is an investigation on identity from the points of connection and parallels that Junyi has with the popular character of the seventies, from the origin, personal development and professional career, to his ideals or desires.

In this tragicomic performance, dance and martial arts meet with the aim of exposing racism on stage. A journey that aims to make the audience reflect on the role we play in changing stereotypes and clichés rooted in our subconscious.

Authorship and direction:: Junyi Sun

Performance: Junyi Sun and Pol Para

Directing assistance: Piero Steiner

Dramaturgy: Junyi Sun in collaboration with Claudia Mirambell

Dramaturgy advice: Roberto Fratini

Lighting design: Mariona Signes, Carles Borras and Irene Ferrer

Sound design: Carlos Martorell

Audiovisuals: Jordi Arnal

External view: Alma Steiner

Production assistant: Marina Miguel

Scenography and costumes: Mariona Signes

Voiceover: Marc Vilajuana

Creation support: Sol Picó, dance company

Creative advice: Sol Picó

Management advice: Pia Mazuela and Vicens Mayans

Production advice: Núria Aguiló

Martial arts advise: Jaume Rossell

Creation and exhibition support: La Piconera, Sala Hiroshima and Terrassa arts escèniques

Residency: La Piconera, L’Estruch, Roca Umbert

Photography: Tristán Perez-Martín

Video: Eloi Sànchez / Corriendo en el balcón

Coproduction: Dansa Metropolitana

Collaborating entities: European Bruce Lee club, Casa Asia, Festival de Creació Contemporània Escena Poblenou, BCN Acció Intercultural, Espai Aviñó, Institut Ramon Llull, Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat

Acknowledgements: Marc Rosalen, Isaac Alcaraz, Sarina Rör, Rober Gomez, Maria Ollé

Project financed by INAEM, Ministry of Culture and Sports

Financed by the European Union – Next GenerationEU

Duration: 50 minutes

Language: Spanish, English and Chinese

Show recommended for ages 12 and older

Important notice: bananas will be thrown to the audience at some point in this show.

©Tristán Pérez-Martín

Let's Match! Z Appetizer

Festival Z Team

Let’s Match! Z Appetizer

El Canal Centre d’arts escèniques Salt/Girona

July 12th, 12:30 pm

Have you reserved a ticket for the morning activities of Festival Z? Then you have a prize. At the appetizers Let’s Match! our community meets informally at a standing appetizer.

The ticket to the activity Inminent scenic futures! includes a ticket for this Let’s Match! Z Appetizer

©Júlia Guasch

Let’s Match! Z Appetizer

Festival Z Team

Let’s Match! Z Appetizer

El Canal Centre d’arts escèniques Salt/Girona

July 13th, 12:30

Have you reserved a ticket for the morning activities of Festival Z? Then you have a prize. At the appetizers Let’s Match! our community meets informally at a standing appetizer.

The ticket for the show Yo soy una fiesta by La Resistència Teatre includes a ticket for this Let’s Match! Z Appetizer

©Júlia Guasch


Company La Dona Calba



Theater of Sant Narcís Civic Center, Girona

July 13th, 5:00 pm

Price: 12 €

CATERINA is the story of a grandmother who is unable to give away some of the objects that have accompanied her in the most important moments of her life and which she wants to get rid of. Throughout the show she will have to make a journey into her inner self to begin to heal all that she blocked in the past.

Caterina, the protagonist of our story, is a collage of recycled materials from our grandmothers, it represents a small tribute to them and to the lived experiences that we deposit in the objects, giving them personal and intimate meanings.

The proposal combines puppet theater, objects and text. Music is a main language within the piece, interpreted by a guitarist who intervenes on stage with original and live music.

Original idea and creation: Laura Vidal and Joana Vulart

Production: Cia. La Dona Calba

Performers: Núria Casares, Laura Vidal and Joana Vulart

Artistic direction: Meritxell Llort

Dramaturgy and text: Laura Solé

Scenography and lighting: Mariona Valls

Sound design and musical composition: Abril Riu

Puppet design and construction: Laura Vidal and Joana Vulart

Duration: 45 minutes

Language: Catalan

Show recommended for ages 7 and older



Arnau Pérez



Plaça Pallol, Girona

July 13th, 6:30 pm

Price: Free

The characters of Vibra! come from a future where couple dancing is once again part of the new generations. In this future, they have developed a device that detects the internal time of the two people through the frequency of vibrations, and thus create a common atmosphere connecting two individualities. They come to make us vibrate, this is their couple dance.

Idea and choreography: Arnau Pérez 

Performers: Nico Martínez and Arnau Pérez

Sound: Arnau Pérez

Artistic support: Jerónimo Ruiz

Costumes: Arnau Pérez and BB Espinosa

Images: Ángel Garcés

Co-produces: Dantza Hirian 

Collaborators: Festival Temps d’aimer la danse (Biarritz), Teatre de Lloret, Ajuntament de Blanes and SAT Teatre

Duration: 17 minutes

Language: Catalan

Show recommended for all audiences

©Ángel Garcés


Atles Collective


Open rehearsal


Teatre Municipal de Girona

July 13th, 7:00 pm

Price: 6 €

Jordi wakes up on a sandbox with a clear objective: To say “Goodbye”. A and B accompany him on this peculiar journey that lasts as long as the time between closing our eyes and falling asleep.

Our demons are (re)born, grow and fall asleep leaving a bitter taste in their wake. Grief, more often than not, has a circular shape and leaves us trapped like a hamster wheel. Luckily, we can always sleep.

Authory: Col·lectiu Atles

Direction: Gaspar Corts

Assistant director: Joel Aibar

Dramaturgy: Gaspar Corts, Jordi Pedragosa 

Performers: Jordi Pedragosa , Águeda Sans, Marina Garcia, Joan Geli

Sound design: Gaspar Corts 

Light design: David Ros 

Costume design: Judith García

Production: Águeda Sans 

Communication: Joel Aibar

Photos: Maica Fernández

Video: David Ros

Collaborators: Festival Z

Acknowledgments: Fusta&Fusta, ERAM, Espai de Creació Sta. Llúcia Sacosta

Duration: 70 minutes

Language: Catalan

Show recommended for ages 12 and older

©Maica Fernández

Danceoke Z

Festival Z Team

Danceoke Z

El Canal Centre d’arts escèniques Salt/Girona

July 12th, 10:00 am

This activity is part of a pack. You can book the Danceoke Z + Imminent scenic futures! Z projects presentation pack ticket in the following link

If Karaoke is a way of singing playback following the lyrics of a song printed on a screen, the Danceoke Z is a welcome in the form of collective entertainment offered by the festival team. We will dance with each other and enjoy our favorite songs, music videos and dance routines to face a day full of activities with love and humor.

Duration: 30 minutes


Festival Z Opening - The (less) out-of-place party of the Festival Z: friend, locate yourself

L’Última Merda Col·lectiu

Festival Z Opening – The (less) out-of-place party of the Festival Z: friend, locate yourself

Teatre Municipal de Girona

July 11th, 6:00 pm

Price: 12 €

How many times have you wanted to do something and been told it was out of place? Have you pretended to be someone else so you could fit in? Do you feel out of place in the performing arts industry? Do you feel out of place at a Generation Z festival? If obscene is that which is out of the scene, what are the current obscenities of our sector?

L’Última Merda Col·lectiu will kick off this year’s edition of Festival Z, summoning us to a party to assume that, my friends, we are all out of place in our adult, artistic and supposedly functional lives. During an afternoon, we will connect with our most playful side and celebrate the “outside” as a place from where to live and see our world. There will be musical moments, chafing, matches, games and many more surprises!

L’Última Merda is a group of four young people wandering through this endogamic, vitiated, precarious and hallucinating world of the performing arts. In response to the motto “don’t think, act!”, so common in the theater world, we believe that acting is the best way to think, and that listening is the best tool to build horizontally, collectively and inclusively the future we want for the sector. If you want to change things with us, come!

Original idea and creation: Elaine Grayling, Nil Martín, Judit Martínez Gili and Abril Pérez Mitchell

Performance: Elaine Grayling, Júlia Isern, Nil Martín, Judit Martínez Gili and Abril Pérez Mitchell

Space design and costumes: Camille Latron and Guillem Blanch

With the collaboration of: New Generation Choir Girona and the companies programmed in the Festival Z 2024

A production of Festival Z with L’Última Merda Col·lectiu

Technical coordination: Alter Sinergies

Acknowledgements: Margarida Troguet Taüll and all the participants and allies of the previous activities of L’Última Merda

With the support of: Escena Poblenou, Fundació Carulla, Nau Ivanow, Cultura Banyoles, Generalitat de Catalunya (Department of Culture and Catalan Youth Agency), Espais de Creació Eòlia i+D

Executive Production: L’Última Merda Col·lectiu

Duration: 120 minutes

Language: Catalan



Júlia Suñer and Joan Thió


Open rehearsal


El Canal – Centre d’Arts Escèniques Salt/Girona

July 13th, 10:30 am

Price: 6 €

This ticket includes two activities as a pack. Danceoke Z + Aèria de Júlia Suñer and Joan Thió

Through a combination of contemporary dance, video and sociological study, Aèria challenges the conventions of artistic consume and engages viewers as co-creators of their own perception.

Taking the air as an example, Aèria transports us to the empirical knowledge of the individual through questions in the form of text, images and music. In an organic way, the piece leads us to a live contemporary dance performance.

Creator, choreographer and performer: Júlia Suñer Coma

Creator, video and music direction: Joan Thió Casals

Duration: 60 minutes (Includes post-function talk – ApartZ)

Language: Catalan

Show recommended for people 16 years old and over

Important notice: this show uses strobe lights or similar.

©Joan Thió Casals