La Resistència Teatre
Yo soy una fiesta
Open rehearsal
El Canal – Centre d’Arts Escèniques Salt/Girona
July 13th, 11:30
Price: 6 €
This ticket includes two activities as a pack. Yo soy una fiesta de La Resistència Teatre and Fem Matx! Apretiu Z
After the unexpected death of her grandmother, Àngela decides to go deep into her grief by turning the logic of this world upside down. What she doesn’t know is that this process will lead her to another conflict she had been denying. Now she has no grandmother, but she has no mother either. YSUF speaks about identity, about these two young women, but also about all of us. About our stories as granddaughters, as daughters, the place occupied by those women, the tradition and its clash with the current reality.
How do you celebrate all the years that grandma was there? What is her favorite song?
YSUF is a party because it wants to be. We dance, we question, we discover. We decide to dance – and also to cry – but above all we keep the questions alive.
Direction: Lola Vera
Production and distribution: La Resistència Teatre
Costumes: Cristina Tavano
Choreographic assistance: Mercedes Ferrari
Audiovisual material: Cataluna Golçalves
Photography: Marina Torres Guerra
Lighting design: Soledad Ianni
Graphic design: Malena Schang Wagner
Collaboration: Orfeó Maonès, Govern Balear, Consell Insular de Menorca
Duration: 70 minutes (Includes post-function talk – ApartZ)
Language: Catalan and Spanish
Show recommended for ages 12 and over